No, I am not talking about Halloween!
It has been since October 2006 since I have felt this way.
This weekend, we will finish up the production of our 2009 Christmas CD. We have produced (8) of these since 1997. (I have tried to avoid that predictable high-expectation of "the same" for each Christmas, so that is why we have not created one every single year for Christmas.)
I must admit that I have missed this process these past two years, and I did not realize how much I had missed it until we got into the whole thing. Wow, what a process.
Choosing songs, determing how they all flow together, who should talk on the CD and what they should say and why, choosing the people who should sing whatever solos and other stuff on the CD, allowing some of most creative people ever created by God to do "their thing" - whether that is producing a lead vocal, creating appropriate artwork that reinforces the title and theme, or creating just the right underscore - or balancing and mixing everything to sound just the right way......all of this is simply amazing to be involved in!
I have spent the better part of today dealing with ALL of the above! While over-the-top stressful at times, it is so completely gratifying to be in the middle of such a rewarding experience.
This year, through a series of "God-orchestrated" opportunities, we will be partnering with a wonderful ministry out of Newport News, VA called MILITARY MINISTRY - an international ministry arm of Campus Crusade For Christ. They will take 5,000 of our Christmas CD's and send them to US troops currently serving in the Middle East. They will receive them in time for Christmas. I can't imagine what it must be like to experience Christmas in those conditions half way around the world.
(To get a really great understanding of how they will send these CD's to our troops, click on the 6 Pillars VIDEO and pay close attention to Pillar 4 - Rapid Deployment Kits - our CD's will be included in those!)
I pray God will use this CD to bring hope and comfort this Christmas to all who hear it.
We plan to have actual CD's on hand by November 20. All proceeds will go to pay for the production of the CD and benefit our missions ministry at church.
Hope you will get a copy - it truly is a wonderful collaboration of some of the most beautiful Christmas music ever written - I really do mean that.....but then, I will let you be the judge of that!