Today marks 27 years of marriage with my sweet wife, Karla. Where did the time go?
So, after getting a much-needed haircut this morning, I realized that flowers were a really smart thing to pursue on this special day. I was next door to Publix (not the greatest place to purchase flowers), but I did anyway. I got tulips and lilies. Can you believe I am even writing about such a thing? I realize, though that flowers mean a great deal to Karla, and therefore they mean a great deal to me.
It was interesting that when I got home with a grocery sack full of flowers (literally), Karla was thrilled, and then began to remind me that the color of each flower has a meaning. We had a wonderful time with that, especially when she pointed out that orange communicates "anger or hatred", while purple means "remembering". The "remembering" part was appropriate considering we are looking back on 27 great years together. The "anger/hatred" part actually became a laughter moment when Karla said that it was probably appropriate considering possibly year 11......(we will leave that one alone......)
All this to say that with everything our culture is telling us about marriage, and and with Seth getting married this year, I just have to say that marriage and second (and third, fourth, fifth, etc....) chances are gifts from God. Gifts to be given and received. The past 27 years have provided more than I deserve of receiving from a beautiful and charming woman. What a privilege to share this life with a true companion, counselor, advisor, lover, and best friend.
I love you, Karla Ruth Cox Worley! I would love to experience 27 more years with you!