Karla and I returned late last week from a few days at the beach. It was paradise. I forget what the ocean and sand does to my state of mind. Our trip was an incredibly gracious gift from many people with whom I serve along-side-with (I know that is horrible grammar, but whatever) - the point is - I am grateful beyond words for that gift - the time away with my precious wife was immeasurable.
On Saturday night, our family gathered to celebrate Father's Day - a great dinner, conversation, laughter, some tears, and even some gifts. I received some neat cards, a DVD collection of a TV-series that I have not seen but looks extremely interesting, a "sleep-noise" machine - (gotta love the sound of the ocean as I drift into sleep mode), and two different photo-sets from my sons that I will treasure. In keeping with "tis better to give than receive", I am most excited about my gift to my Dad. (Because I am such a loser and did not get it until I returned from the beach, he will not receive it until tomorrow). I so look forward to his call when I can tell him how to most enjoy it!
This particular Father's Day was also a day of "firsts".
Our first without BigBy - Karla's father who passed away on January 2. It was difficult at times because we miss him, but Seth's prayer reminded us that he is in a better place. Where would we be without that hope?
It was also Seth's first Father's Day. He is a great Dad, and he brings loads of joy to his family and to our extended family....and to me.
My heart is full of gratitude for the experiences of ocean, beach, companionship with the most important person in your life, and the gathering of family around the table.
We have a sign that is visible above our kitchen table - If it were not so large, I would carry it around with me because it should not be limited to our kitchen.