I love this photo. There is something rich and great and deep and historical about these doors. They are old - they are seasoned - they represent tradition and heritage and all those things we all long for.
I have friends who are dealing with some serious issues in their lives right now. I guess the longer I live, the deeper the relationships with people who matter to me. I hurt for them - I care for them - I pray for them. I have one friend whose wife was in a serious automobile accident last September. She has never fully recovered, and in fact might never fully recover. We even thought we might be planning her memorial service soon. She is fighting hard, and wanting to get better - God, please help her.....
I have friends who are wrestling with decisions that greatly impact their future. These doors represent all kinds of questions - what's on the other side of the doors? How can they know that once they walk through "their" doors, they can know that God is with them - still leading them - still walking with them......
As you read this, I pray that whatever doors stand before you, that you will have the courage to open them in faith and obedience to God. I would hate to stand on this side of the doors wondering and never open them for fear of what God has for us on the other side......