We have now been home over a week after returning from South Africa. I have had numerous conversations with those who went on our trip. We all agree - let's go back - RIGHT NOW!
Strange isn't it? Actually, it isn't all that strange. God put together a team of folks, appointed them for duty, assigned them with specific tasks, and then He accomplished His design in and through this team. If only we could leave it like that, and come back to our normal routine and continue on as if nothing had happened........
But something did happen - God moved.
This morning during our congregational singing/worship time, we were in the middle of singing "I am a friend of God" over and over again. There was enormous energy, there was great excitement and enthusiasm, but something seemed missing. I can't put my finger on it, but it happens often when standing on a stage in front of people. You give and you give, and sometimes the "receiving end of things" from the congregation/audience just feels less than what one might hope for.
I don't say that in a judgemental manner at all. I know it is not up to me how people respond in worship, but I do wish every now and then people would just jump up and down in favor of God!! I love James 2:23 - Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous, and he was even called "a friend of God". That just makes me want to jump up and down!
So, back to "God moving" - I don't want to believe that I saw God moving in a more powerful way in South Africa than I do in Brentwood. I honestly don't know that, but I do know that God opened my eyes and He opened my heart. I know that happens alot on "mission trips". I am glad - my eyes and heart needed to be opened.
I am grateful for this team - their friendship, their passion, their gifts, their calling, and their "next mission" whatever it may be. And if you ever get the opportunity to "go on mission" and work with John & Avril Thomas in Cape Town, South Africa, just say yes - you will never be the same.....