Ben Worley graduated 8th grade last week. The ceremony was just what you would expect - over-crowded and under-air-conditioned middle school gym, program that was of course too long, terrible sound system, and an overall painful experience.
Now before you crucify me for being a horrible parent, please know that in spite of all of these things, I loved every minute of it. Watching parents, family, and friends "show up" to support their 8th grader-becoming-a-high-schooler is among other things highly entertaining and it's just one of those experiences you love participating in......not to mention watching kids celebrate their past (3) years and now "move on" to the next (4) hopefully!!
So, CONGRATULATIONS BEN WORLEY - if I could write in your yearbook, I would write that you are one great, great guy with great hair and a great personality. (wow, that sounds so 8th grade, doesn't it?) Thanks for loving God, life, and people...

P.S. Man, you look great in a tie!!