Today is Karla Ruth Cox Worley's 55th birthday!
I am glad she was born, and so are my (3) sons, daughter-in-law, grandson, and yet-to-enter-this-world second grandbaby!
Last night when Elliott asked me how old I was, I told him. He then asked Karla (Lala) how old she was, and she told him that her birthday is today and that she will be 55. His eyes lit up, and I told him "two fives" - he held up both hands, fingers spread, palms facing Karla and said "two fives, Lala."
So today is "two fives" day for my sweet wife.
I am grateful that God made you!
Happy Birthday!
BTW - in this photo from a recent fun evening where she got to hang out with some neat girl friends, she "holds her own" among these young ladies half her age!!!