February 24, 1979
Today marks 30 years of marriage to Karla!
So far this morning, we have celebrated by taking care of Ben who has the stomach flu....welcome to life.....
God has blessed us way beyond expectations.
After 30 years, we are still learning how to love each other, care for each other, communicate with each other, and enjoy each other, but the journey has been and continues to be incredible.
We have friends who have shown us what a healthy marriage looks like, we have friends who have helped us raise our kids, and we have/had Godly parents who modeled a healthy marriage. What more does a couple need?
As we grow old together, I am reminded of something Jay Strother said as part of Seth and Arley's wedding ceremony in September 2006 - (pardon my loose interpretation) "Seth and Arley believe that they can accomplish more for God together than separately, and therefore they come together in holy matrimony to do that."
Every day that I get to live, I want to believe that is exactly what God has allowed in our lives. So, today, I thank God for my marriage to Karla, and pray that it can always bring glory to Him.
(yes, the photo was taken at our wedding reception, and she is indeed a beautiful bride, and I have no idea where my hair went!)