I'm not sure why, but it did not feel like Easter today.
Maybe it being 24 degrees with frost on the car when Karla and I left for church at 5:45am had something to do with it.
Maybe it was the strange fact that today Karla and I drove to church together for the first time in 14 years! We NEVER get that opportunity.
Maybe it was the fairly insignificant fact that Alan Jackson (country superstar) came to our second service.
One would think that after living in Nashville for 27 years, when people of particular fame and/or notoriety show up at church, it would/should be no big deal, but I still find it interesting......one - that these people brave the awkwardness of being around a bunch of people and NOT be the center of attention, and two - decide that they want to come to our church. I'm glad I'm not famous.
I do know that Easter worship was meaningful, and we did our best to honor God.
I also know that I got to enjoy my sons today after church. It's not that often that I get them "all to myself", and it just happened that we all left church together to go to our friends house for lunch.
So, I convinced these crazy guys to pose for this photo. They bring ridiculous joy to my life!
P.S. You gotta love the QUIET sign that Ben is holding - we had these made for the back hallways where the choir/orchestra were "hanging out" during the services when we were not leading.....