OK - if you can't get a good laugh at yourself, then what's the point?
This photo is completely ridiculous! Please allow me to explain.
I have been asked to speak at a conference this summer, and the people who asked me asked for a photo of me for their promotional piece.
I did not have one readily available, so I asked our graphics guys at church if they could "crop" a recent photo of my family and make it work.
One of our guys sent this photo to me today with the caption, "is THIS the photo you want me to send?" What he didn't know was how "timely" this "photo-shoppedversion" is!!
1. Ben has spent alot of his time this week re-programming (for fun) one of the main songs from "Pirates Of The Caribbean" - you should hear it!
2. My grandson's first birthday is the day after Halloween, and his party will be at my house and it will involve - you guessed it - pirates!
So, as much as I would love to send this photo to the folks who have asked me to speak at their conference this summer - I will refrain - even though I REALLY do want to send it!
(man - what I wouldn't give for this head of hair!)